Thank you so much for being a part of this with me! I deeply appreciate your time and willingness to participate.
Please record yourself reading the poem below in a quiet space on your phone, in whatever way feels natural to you.
Once you are done, you can UPLOAD YOUR FILE HERE or from the link at the bottom of this page.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Of all the ways we try “I love you”A graced attentionYour hands, from mineTell me what you can
Of all the ways we don’t forgetAt most, a dustYour hands, from mineI’ll hold you how I can
Wakings, vastRuptures, pasts
Grief consumes
Couldn’t move through alone Or unscathed
How I wasdeath(but gentler now)
On some joy horizonAs to findAgain, then again:
Your hands – from mineYour hands – to mineMy hands – in yours
Motions of stayCollapse to dilate
The brief, permeating momentsPlaced in five minute evolutionary times
Where I can’t tellYour handsFrom mine